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ACT was one of the first grouting contractors to promote and practice the use of balanced stable grout mixes for grouting projects, which began in 1996 with the Radioactive Waste Encapsulation and Containment project at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Since then ACT has used the balanced stable grout mixes for the modern era of grouting practices in North and South America.


ACT has extensive experience with the development and testing of balanced stable grouts, including high mobility grouts (HMG), medium mobility (sanded) grouts (MMG), and low mobility grouts (LMG). ACT maintains a database of 200+ mix designs used on past projects. Although the general range of concentrations of materials is portable from project to project, the exact same mix designs rarely result in identical grout rheology (grout properties). The chemistry of cement, flyash, silica fume, water, admixtures, and additives varies from source to source and can vary over time from the same source. Prior to starting each project, we always conduct a full scale onsite mix testing program to meet project specifics.


ACT has developed dedicated portable on-site grout quality control testing laboratories for each of our grouting projects. This self-contained, climate controlled unit is a converted sea container and houses all of the quality control equipment required for the grout testing with the exception of compressive strength testing. Compressive strength testing is typically performed at a third party offsite laboratory as required.


Quality Control (QC) Testing


Quality control is the single most important element to ensure proper construction and performance of a cutoff wall in a seepage barrier application.


Our team utilizes quality control data as a measurement of our success. Our goal is to scrutinize every aspect of our work and tailor our methods in an effort to produce a quality end product. Over the years, we have developed our standard operating procedures (SOP) for quality control testing. ACT’s QC personnel are professional civil/geotechnical engineers and geologists, and they have unmatched experience with grout quality control testing through our water seepage control projects. ACT’s field laboratory can routinely perform the following tests:


  1. Marsh Funnel Viscosity tests in accordance with ASTM D6910 or API Method RP 13B-1;
  2. Flow Cone Viscosity tests (MMG) in accordance with ASTM C 939;
  3. Grout Newtonian Viscosity, Plastic Viscosity, Apparent Viscosity, and Yield Point tests using Fann Viscometer in accordance with API Method RP 13B-1;
  4. Baroid Mud Balance Specific Gravity tests in accordance API Method RP 13B-1;
  5. Grout Gel Time and Cohesion Tests using Brookfield YR-1 Yield Stress Rheometer;
  6. Slump tests (LMG) in accordance with ASTM C143/143M;
  7. Vicat Needle Set Time tests in accordance with ASTM C191;
  8. Bleed tests in accordance with ASTM C-940;
  9. Pressure Filtration tests in accordance with API Method RP 13B-1;
  10. Compressive Strength of Grout (cylinders) in accordance with ASTM C39/C39M;
  11. Compressive Strength of Grout (cubes) in accordance with ASTM C109/C109M;