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Lancaster, Tennessee
Kiewit‐ACT, a J.V. was awarded the above project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of Nashville District through a Best Value RFP selection process. The project was designated as a national high priority remediation structure.
The scope of work included construction of a three section seepage cutoff curtain; 1) 800 ft section along the main embankment structure, 2) 3,500 ft section along the left rim of the dam including LMG grouting of a cave feature located along the curtain alignment and 3) 750 ft groin section running perpendicular to the embankment structure. Significant civil work was required to prepare the working platforms along the grout curtain alignment and construction of environmental collection and treatment ponds.
The primary work elements included overburden drilling and installation of permanent casing seated into the rock soil interface zone, continuing with rock drilling to depths of up to 300 ft and pressure grouting the foundation rock. Drilling and grouting methods included sonic drilling, rotary auger and exploratory diamond core drilling, bore hole directional survey and video imaging, borehole washing, permeability water testing, pressure grouting using balanced stable grout formulations and low mobility grouting for treatment of karst solution features.
IntelliGrout®, a proprietary computer monitoring system was utilized for real‐time electronic monitoring and recording of the permeability testing and grouting. IntelliGrout® provides powerful analytical and graphical tools for production grouting analysis allowing the grouting program to be adjusted in real‐time. The data was uploaded weekly to the IntelliGrout® Website allowing all project participants access to the data remotely.
Client: US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District
Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District
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