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Peru, Indiana


Extensive observations, monitoring, and investigations indicated that the settlement at the Mississinewa Dam was the result of karstic foundation defects and solution features in the limestone foundation. The defects, if left untreated, allow the materials under the right embankment to move into defects in the rock and remove support for the overlying embankment. This is the reason for the settlement on the right side of the dam. To prevent migration of the embankment materials, a cutoff wall was being installed by Bencor-Petrifond Joint Venture. During the initial cutoff wall installation it was discovered that the cutoff wall could not be installed without pre-treatment of the foundation. In order for the cutoff wall to be installed, a grout curtain was specified to pre-treat the foundation prior to cutoff wall construction.


Advanced Construction Techniques Ltd. was awarded the grout curtain project by Bencor-Petrifond, JV through a Best Value Selection process (RFP) issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District. In conjunction with our project partner, Gannett Fleming, Inc. we successfully completed a test phase immediately followed by a production phase for the project. The work included overburden drilling and casing installation through the earthen dam, percussion rock drilling, exploratory core drilling, borehole washing, permeability testing, pressure grouting, and final exploratory verification drilling.


Karst zones and solution features in the limestone foundation were effectively grouted allowing installation of the cutoff wall.



Client: Bencor-Petrifond Joint Venture

Owner: US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District

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